TRULINE® Seawalls in Florida Post-Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma, the catastrophic and unofficially 4th costliest hurricane on record, lasted 12 days, took 134 lives and damaged or destroyed much property and the environment. The devastating storm stretched approximately 650 miles from east to west. Florida, one of the states hit by the Category 5 storm, is only at maximum 160 miles wide, so Irma covered Florida. Within some time, residents headed back to their homes in Florida to see the effects of the longest Category 5 hurricane (3 days).

The TRULINE® team, some dealing with it personally in Naples, wanted to follow up with customers and homeowners to make sure everyone we knew made it through and are okay. Luckily, everyone we knew is okay. However, most had a lot of clean-up and repairs to do or unfortunately had to come up with a new plan for their property. A couple of comments from homeowners with TRULINE® seawalls that we wanted to share from our visit to the Keys area:

“The TRULINE® wall did fantastic through Irma. I wish everything else I have did as well.”
– Steve Brenner, Big Pine Key

“All of the shoreline structures on both sides of us are totally gone, but I don’t think our TRULINE® wall moved an inch.”
– JC Lago, Florida Keys

If you would like to know more about TRULINE® seawalls, visit