Culvert Crossing Headwall in Florida
Project: For the Seminole Woods Multi-Use Path project, the Truline product was selected for the culvert crossing headwalls primarily due to the specific site restrictions of site conditions, land rights restrictions and proximity to overhead power. The final consideration was the appearance.
Equipment: The sheet piles were installed by first excavating to a depth close to the trench depth using a 225 excavator. The sheets were then pushed to depth using the same equipment. Sixty-inch holes were cut through the Truline wall to receive the pipe. Concrete collar was formed on the exterior of the wall to surround the pipes by a minimum of 2 ft. including below the pipes. The collar was formed to be flush with the finished cap. A 2’ x 2’ cap was formed to incorporate the required rebar and dead men. The rebar in the panels, in the collar and the cap were all tied together. The area was backfilled and a 42” handrail was installed along the length of the cap. The path was laid across and a bench with trash receptacles was installed over the pipes backing up to the handrail.

Location: Palm Coast, FL
Owner/Engineer/Contractor: City of Palm Coast
Length of wall: 50 LF
Length of sheet piles: 14 ft.