Channel Lining Wall — Arizona
Project: Major soil degradation following severe flooding in 2007 caused the soil cement protection wall to collapse and needed a new channel lining wall before the next rainy season.
Solution: Truline vinyl channel lining wall was specified due to the cost savings and ability to pour concrete directly into place and create a strong wall. In addition, Truline sheet pile system simplified the environmental permitting because it allowed them to keep within the same footprint of the existing bank and was much less invasive than other repair techniques.
Cost Savings: According to the district, Truline was 25% of the cost of the prior method (soil cement wall), thus saving the county approx. $600,000. It was 75% faster to install (2 weeks total) and required only a minimal crew.

Location: Canada Del Oro Wash
Owner: Pima County, AZ (Tucson)
Engineer: Pima County Regional Flood Control
Contractor: KE & G Construction, Inc.
Length of wall: 410 LF (800 series)
Length of sheet piles: 10 ft.